11 June 2007


I wanted to point out a few details about the site, its mission and purpose and our target audience.

First off I wanted to tell you this is the first site of its kind. We are taking the lemons handed to us by the auto and manufaturing sector and making lemonade. The city is in dire need to attract tourists and day travelers but have not figured out the magic potion. So as I looked around at the things that make Windsor unique I notice no marketing towards adult entertainment. With the exception of some ads in print and some incomplete and outdated websites. The lack of a clear and focused demographic has resulted in a younger crowd with less spendable income. No one has taken the ability of the internet and presented it to the older crowd. The visitor that has disposable income and does not know about the thing we offer.

I only wondered why not promote things that may draw interest from adults from the US and expand upon them. So lets mix in our legal adult entertainment options and expand, escorts, exotic massage, nude strippers, great beer and liquor and don't forget the Cuban cigars. Mix 'em up and look at what you get. An extremely targeted audience. Who woulda thought?

To many hangups about what there is and what it is. I will tell you this, there is more interest in the way I present our city and with my unique way of branding it than you may think. Name association, community based, brand recognition, targeted audience.

How many other Canadian cities have the ability to draw such US traffic and let 'em pass through so quickly. Sometimes you need to put yourself on the map first and expand your message from there. More of the business owners are afraid of associating with our unique name because of hangups about it. But our visitors keep comming back for more, whats in a name anyway? For me its all about the visitor, if they can get beyond it and enter the site, explore it and get what they need, efficiently, my job is done.

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